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 Kucinich Points to Nazi Coup in Ukraine April 13, 2014 • 10:31AM

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Дата регистрации : 2013-02-26

Kucinich Points to Nazi Coup in Ukraine April 13, 2014 • 10:31AM Empty
СообщениеТема: Kucinich Points to Nazi Coup in Ukraine April 13, 2014 • 10:31AM   Kucinich Points to Nazi Coup in Ukraine April 13, 2014 • 10:31AM EmptyВс Апр 13, 2014 2:43 pm

Kucinich Points to Nazi Coup in Ukraine
April 13, 2014 • 10:31AM
In a March 9 interview with RIA-Novosti, former U.S. Congressman Dennis Kucinich said:
"First of all everyone knows the junta in Kiev was installed by a coup and that you have nationalists, neo-Nazis who came to power as a result of that coup. One of the first things that happened was linguistic rights were attacked. And the population which had used the Russian language was suddenly aware the Russian language was under attack. And this of course created a backlash.
"You know, when you have a country where so many people have Russian as their first language, this was something that threw a lot of fear into people. And who is going to protect the rights of people to be able to assert their cultural identity? That's really the question here. And that's why the people in Crimea voted not just to be formally considered part of the republic, but they also voted to protect their cultural identity. Because that was one of the things that was under attack.
"But there is a much larger question here. As we speak, you have NATO training Right Sector. Now they are being brought into the military and trained with heavy weapons, and this can only be to engage in very violent military confrontation. This is very bad. And what is ominous is that we are speaking about neo-Nazis....
"I think that there is a lack of understanding in the United States of the significance of the neo-Nazis coming to power. Because anyone who is familiar with the history of World War II knows that Russia lost 30 million people. Anyone who is familiar with the battle of Moscow knows that two million people put their lives on the line to defend the city. And the memorial which is on the road from Sheremetyevo into Moscow of those tank barriers serve as a grim reminder of the millions of Russians who put their lives on the line to defend the city and the country against Nazis.
"Russians did not give their lives so that 70 years later neo-Nazis could come to power, who were trained by NATO to attempt to camp out on the Russian border in Ukraine. That's simply not acceptable. And this lack of historical understanding is at the center of the inability to understand Russia's response to these recent events.
"I pointed out as you've probably read, I was one of the first people in the West who actually dissected the so-called trade agreement that Yanukovych was being forced to sign. And I pointed out that it was actually a military agreement masked as a trade agreement that enabled NATO to go to the Russian border. And this of course has been NATO's dream, its justification for its existence. The only problem is that it's historically out of context. NATO doesn't really have a legitimate reason for a continued existence. So they are trying to create one by participating in this series of events which have captured the entire world's attention....
"The people in Ukraine had legitimate grievances against their government. And many people were sincere. The unemployment, low wages, the conditions in Ukraine have been very bad for people. So of course they are going to go and gather in a place where historically Ukrainians had come together to express their concern about what's going on in their country.
"But what's happening now is that these violent neo-Nazis effectively surfed that moment and used it to gain control of a number of seats in the cabinet, including those which are very security-sensitive. So of course Russia would be concerned about that. Every country has its own interest....
"I disagree with my friend Senator McCain. Because as we speak, Right Sector is getting access to heavy weaponry through NATO and being trained. That's very dangerous. And the government in Kiev, the junta rather in Kiev, has the idea that they are going to bring the Right Sector to work in the National Guard on domestic matters, to bring them into the Ukrainian military.
"But they are talking about the most violent people who helped to precipitate street violence. It again brings up a spectrum of things that came out of Nazi Germany and World War II. We need to be very careful not to continue to inflame this crisis because Russian-speaking people, particularly those in east, see the rise of neo-Nazis and feel a threat to their cultural identity....
Q: And what is the main obstacle?
Kucinich:"NATO. It's an anachronistic nightmare. It really ought to be disbanded. It has become a protection racket. That's what the mafia did in the U.S. in the 1930s."
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Сообщения : 3981
Дата регистрации : 2013-02-26

Kucinich Points to Nazi Coup in Ukraine April 13, 2014 • 10:31AM Empty
СообщениеТема: Re: Kucinich Points to Nazi Coup in Ukraine April 13, 2014 • 10:31AM   Kucinich Points to Nazi Coup in Ukraine April 13, 2014 • 10:31AM EmptyВс Апр 13, 2014 2:43 pm

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Kucinich Points to Nazi Coup in Ukraine April 13, 2014 • 10:31AM Empty
СообщениеТема: Re: Kucinich Points to Nazi Coup in Ukraine April 13, 2014 • 10:31AM   Kucinich Points to Nazi Coup in Ukraine April 13, 2014 • 10:31AM EmptyВс Апр 13, 2014 3:07 pm

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Kucinich Points to Nazi Coup in Ukraine April 13, 2014 • 10:31AM
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